Are you aware of your thoughts?
The Quality of Your Thoughts
Every day you make thousands of thoughts. Isn't that great? Doesn't it prove that the human brain is a super computer with infinite capabilities and potential?
Well, that depends. It depends on the type of thoughts that pop up in your mind. Are they encouraging? Or are they demeaning? Do they exude compassion towards yourself and others, or do they criticize and lash out? Are they habitual and sneak up on you? Do they have a power of their own? Or do you have control over them?
The Frequency of Your Thoughts Matters
Negative thoughts create a certain low-vibe frequency and become the springboard for more of the same type of thoughts. Before you know it you will be functioning from that vibration on a daily basis and everything you do will have that energetic statement. You see, we are energetic beings; energy is what we transmit and what we receive. If your thoughts emit a frequency of worry, this energetic statement will trickle in your life and affect your words, your emotions and choices.
Become Aware of Your Thoughts
Start by becoming aware of your thoughts. Take the role of an external observer as much as possible. Remember that you are only an observer, which means that you are neutral and have neither a positive nor a negative opinion around the thought that arises. Practicing being neutral is of paramount importance. In the beginning it might not be easy, but with time you can make this an ingrained habit. The power is in your hands!
As an observer, you are invited to notice the thoughts, the emotions that arise through them and the self-talk that might be accompanying them. What is the quality of your thoughts? How much do they affect the thoughts that follow, the words that you speak and the actions you take? Do they make you happy and optimistic? Or is there self-loathing and sadness?
Get Inspired
Remember that inherently thoughts are neither right nor wrong. Just because an emotion that is caused by a thought is unpleasant, this does not make it wrong or bad. Allow it to just be, because it is a part of you. It is there due to the way you were brought up and your experiences. All these have made you the amazingly beautiful and unique human that you are.
In order to shift something, become aware of it first. Start from observing. And congratulate yourself for taking the first self-empowering step to changing your circumstances.