Eclipses can be challenging times. And we just experienced the most powerful total solar eclipse of the year. The energy is bubbling up, paving the way for shifts in our experiences, and in the way we think, talk and act. Our circumstances are following the path of change, possibly after reflection and reconsideration. We all know how nice and cozy it is to be in the zone of the familiar, but we’re talking about intense energies involving the movement of planets, the light and the shadow. We are made of stardust and we embody the polarity of light and shadow. Therefore, we are impacted by the ecliptic celestial activity. Its influence is a reality, so we might as well accept, and if possible enjoy, the ride!
What we usually encounter during eclipses are survival guides and talks on how challenging this time is, with things going haywire, erratic and out of control. That’s one way to see it. I won’t deny that challenges are there. What matters is your perspective. Are you viewing the eclipse from a perspective of lack and struggle? What you focus on is usually what shows up in your reality. I invite you to raise your curiosity and view this experience through a lens of “What codes and upgrades am I receiving?”. Eclipse, in ancient Greek, means that which perishes and is going away. Eclipse time is a gift! What is no longer needed is released, and you are opening up to receive.
Especially this total solar eclipse in Aries, is bringing the signature energies of determination, new life chapters are ready to be written by you. Because you are the creatrix / creator of your reality. You and the universe. And this eclipse is a portal to a next-level realization and experience.
I invite you to give to yourself the gift of the inner knowing and wisdom that an eclipse holds infinite possibilities for you and brings the potent energy to transmute what is no longer helpful. Drink a lot of water, tap into some extra self-care and dive into practices such as meditation, yoga, conscious movement and exercise, journaling, contemplation. Allow the powerful shifts to get recorded into every cell of your being and tap into the power of your celestial allies.