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Why being a Radiant Woman matters


Have you ever seen a woman glow? Have you ever seen yourself glow? Radiant women emit self-confidence and strength, while maintaining and honoring their female nature. The feminine is synonymous to birth, creation and light. As a result, when women are grounded and find their center, magic happens! Specifically, when they spend time watching themselves and the things they like on them, as well as the parts on them that they are not so crazy about, they are taking the first step into self-awareness and self-love. By observing and releasing various feelings, such as fear, sadness, anger, as well as joy, happiness, love - just to name a few - is seems as if a cloak has been removed; a cloak that had been hiding their true self.

Go ahead! Express your fears, shed your tears, laugh out loud. Do not be surprised if more and more people look at you with admiration, or try to make conversation with you just because they find you amazingly interesting. It is that radiance coming from your center which makes you more visible than ever.

Enjoy this radiance and dare to shine!


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